**Holiday hours :) **

We will be closed Thursday 12-22 through Sunday12-25

We will reopen Monday 12-26

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The "bloom"!!

With the winds blowing and the temps moving up and down radically there has been a large number of folks coming through with bronchitis and the "crud" :( I call these afflictions "blooms". When you feel like your whole head and bronchial area has been overcome by heaviness and sometimes this is accompanied by drooping of the sinuses. At the first signs start the cayenne powder (a pinch or more) over any beverage (especially good over lemon water). Grab your oregano oil and place 5 drops into a glass of water and drink as often as needed or grab your capsules and take them as often as needed one at  a time. Cayenne binds to mucous and increases body temperature. Oregano aids in opening, clearing and killing bacteria :) After the one two punch start your fenugreek for the congestion ( best done in liquid but can be done in capsule). Fenugreek can be taken liberally and will work quickly. If the lungs are the main concern then add in mullein or our wonderful combo Wild Indian Cherry Bark Syrup by Planetary Formulas. Create yourself a medicine cabinet with these will only benefit you in the future. As back-ups buy yourself the CB from Liddell Laboratories and ScH from the same company. These products are homeopathic and are easy to travel with and are very fast effective. When you ask what I do for my family this is it. When it comes to the bloom it is best to throw down the offensive! Stay well out there and arm yourself.

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